October 2012

Over two years have passed since I took these images. My backlog of photos has reached such epic proportions, I’m not even sure where to begin — but I wanted to post these before I share the latest pictures we shot this fall. It’s astonishing how much these children have changed in such a short amount of time!

In this shoot, my goal was to capture the kids’ budding (tween) personalities, at home, surrounded by their things. At the time, Gwenyth loved Justin Bieber, American Girl dolls and cheer. John was into his phone, sports and maybe not quite as interested in having his photo taken. They’re both really fun, sweet, beautiful kids and looking back, I love how different these are compared to other sessions I’ve had with them. It makes me want to take similar photos of my own kids! Sometimes it’s so hard to notice all the changes that happen right under your nose.


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